An internet service provider is a vendor who provides access to the internet, for organizations and individuals. Abbreviated as ISP, an internet service provider may offer just the connectivity, or include other packages such as Web hosting, Web development and even email. It all depends on what is available, and what the client requires.
Articulating Your Needs
When choosing an internet provider, it is highly crucial that you have your needs well-articulated in order to enable you choose the provider who meets this needs completely. You will need to check off the potential ISPs in your area against a list that you have created. For instance, you will need to decide if you require a website, whether you will be conducting online transactions, whether you expect to receive large files such as videos, how much traffic you anticipate to be receiving etc. All this will play a key role in determining what connectivity package you require for your business.
Understanding Speed
The second factor you should be concerned about when choosing an ISP is the speed. Speed is determined by bandwidth, and this refers to the amount of data that you can transfer within a fixed period of time, usually seconds. The larger the bits that you can transmit per second (bps), the faster the internet speeds. The upstream speed refers to how fast you can upload data, while downstream speed refers to how fast you can download data. Both speeds are important to look at, as you want to make sure you can upload files to your site and other sites quickly, while allowing your users to access and download the same at equally fast speeds.
Wireless Connection
A third consideration when choosing internet providers Canada is the wireless factor. You need to determine if you require wireless connection, and this will most likely be so if you are using handheld devices for your operations and laptops as well. A key thing to keep in mind is that wireless connections can be easily compromised leading to cyber attacks on your network. It is therefore crucial that you choose an ISP who can guarantee that your network will not be vulnerable to cyber attacks.
Ask about the value-add applications that the ISP is bringing on-board. Will you be able to read your emails while offline? Will you be able to chat and store emails and other files online? What are the nice-to-haves that your ISP is bringing to you? Do they add any value to your business? These are pertinent questions to have.
Technical Support
When selecting an ISP, make sure to ask whether there will be technical support available to you should you it. A yes or no answer will not suffice for his; you also need to know when this support is available. Will you be able to receive support 24/7 should you need it? Is there a number to call when you need help?
Choosing the right Internet Service Provider will save you a great deal of frustration when building up your business or even when using internet at home for your needs. As a business owner it is important to remember that a huge portion of the consumer base is now online and you need the right partner to reach them, and efficiently so.